Norma's Notables 📝 for 02/17/2022
Nothing fancy just 💡 I share with teachers in my district bi-weekly, or close to that!
Content and Pedagogy
Mathematical Discourse pdf posters
Desmos arithmetic activity, "is a multi-lesson re-engagement around order of operations and structure of expressions, intended for 9th graders who have not learned it successfully prior to high school." - I think good for MS too!
Desmos compare/contrast solutions to multi-step equations activity
Next-Generation Personal Finance NGPF Financial Algebra curriculum as DESMOS collection
Lovely blog post from @Amie Albrecht "Teaching through listening" - ponders "What does listening require from us?" and "If I’m meant to be listening, why am I still talking?"
Equity, SEL+
SEL starts with adults and Meena Srinivasan recorded webinar:
How do you define rigor? Solid comparison chart 💕 the sentence, Students can answer the question, “How do we know?”
TODOS article "Where Is Manuel? A Rejection of ‘Learning Loss’" - highly recommended resource and please consider joining and supporting this organization.